
Ouch, that hurt! How to manage your sensitive teeth

Are you facing problems with your teeth? Do you have sensitive tooth problems? Do you get regularly painful sensations in your teeth? If so, you need treatment for sensitive teeth so that there is no discomfort. Sensitive teeth can be caused by several problems and for various reasons. Fortunately, there are ways to facilitate effective tooth sensitivity. Some of these solutions can be used easily at home.

However, if you’re someone who experiences sensitive teeth, you need to avoid sugary foods and drinks, cold beverages, etc. We’ve got some tips for assisting you to manage the pain that reaches from sensitive teeth.

Let us explore those points to learn more about teeth sensitivity.

Here it is.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a very common clinical problem. The tooth has an outer enamel layer that safeguards the dentin underneath. The dentin contains microscopic canals that are connected to the pulp of the tooth. However, dentin loses its defensive surface of the enamel. These tubules permit heat, cold or acidic foods to reach the nerves and cells inside the pulp of the tooth. Thus, they become sensitive. Talk to your dentist if you suffer from such problems. Now, it’s time to understand the causes of tooth sensitivity.

Let us explore them more in detail.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

There are a few reasons that can cause tooth sensitivity. Some of the most common causes, that makes tooth problem more severe are.

  • If worn tooth enamel results from operating a hard toothbrush and brushing aggressively.
  • Tooth erosion due to positively acidic foods and beverages.
  • Tooth decay, worn, and broken teeth reveal the dentin of your tooth.
  • Gum slump that leaves your root surface exposed.
  • Scratching your teeth at night.
  • Post-dental treatment sensitivity is common but temporary

How to manage teeth sensitivity?

To discover more about seeing sensitive teeth relief, think of these great solutions:

Brush Gently:

Energetic brushing won’t make your teeth any cleaner. But it can improve your risk of tooth sensitivity. That’s because too-tough brushing can cause your gums to pull away from your teeth, revealing the nerve and setting you up for tooth pain. Use a soft-bristled brush with the ADA-accepted. Brush your teeth twice a day with a gentle motion.

Use a desensitizing toothpaste:

Desensitizing toothpaste includes a compound that helps block the transmission of sensation from the tooth. Within a few weeks, use it twice daily. Try massaging a bit of desensitizing toothpaste instantly on the tooth.

Rinse with a Fluoride Mouthwash:

The fluoride in over-the-counter fluoride mouthwashes can maintain your teeth’s enamel layer. Fluoride also can safeguard against tooth decay and cavities.

Avoid Acidic Drinks:

Highly acidic foods and drinks unravel your teeth’s enamel and they cause the gum line to recede. Carbonated sodas, citrus fruit-based juices, and citrus fruits are all acidic and bad for sensitive teeth. Instead of eating citrus fruits, which help lower the pH levels in your mouth. And be sure that you need to wait at least 30 minutes after food.

Skip the Tooth Bleaching:

Both at-home whitening kits and in-office teeth whitening techniques can cause some temporary sharpness problems. If you have sensitive teeth, skip tooth bleaching.

Bite Down on a Mouth Guard:

Talk to your dentist about a mouth guard that you can wear while you sleep. Because tooth grinding is a sign of anxiety, you may also need to incorporate lifestyle changes into your day.

Consider In-Office Treatments

If you have sensitive teeth, consider an in-office dental treatment. For severe cases, you can also have a gum graft which is the in-office treatment that helps to handle sensitive teeth problems. In-clinic dental treatment will help you get better results in a very less period. Make an appointment and meet your dentist to get proper treatment.

Visit Your Dentist:

If your teeth are sensitive and nothing seems to be working, talk to your dentist. If your teeth are bothered by cold weather, then your sensitive teeth can be a warning sign of a more serious dental health problem.

Follow your dentist’s instructions to get a better result related to sensitive teeth problems.

Key takeaway

By now, you have all the information regarding tooth sensitivity problems. Tooth sensitivity may become more common with age and anyone can get this problem. But it can occur at any time of your life. Taking good dental care can help you overcome this problem. Oral health is especially important during pregnancy if you have sensitive teeth issues. Advanced tooth sensitivity during pregnancy by hormonal changes. These changes put pregnant women at expanded risk for gingivitis problems. However, go for regular checks for better results.

Get your appointment, and talk to your dentist if you are encountering tooth sensitivity. However, do contact us and meet our doctors, so they will understand your need and then accordingly solve your dental issues. Taking precautions on time will help you deal with this problem.

Yahir Leroy

The author Yahir Leroy